US Census Bureau: American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS)
1-year estimates: 2015-2023
Downloaded the PUMS data via the R package “tidycensus”
Public Use Microdata Area-level data
Variables: HINCP (household income for past 12 months, inflation-adjusted), PUMA (Public Use Microdata Area), ST (state), ADJHSG (inflation adjustment factor for housing costs), ADJINC (inflation adjustment factor for household income), WGTP (housing unit weight for statistical analysis), VACS (vacancy status of the housing unit), PWGTP (person weight for adjustment), SPORDER (person’s order number within the household)
Zillow Research: Rentals
We use Zillow Observed Rent Index: All Homes Plus Multifamily Time Series ($): 2015-2024
Downloaded the Rentals data from Zillow Research’s “website”
We inflation adjusted rent values using 2023 consumer price index (CPI) values
County-level data
US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)
We use Monthly Employment and Industry variables for years 2015-2024
Downloaded the quarterly data from BLS’s “website”
We inflation adjusted rent values using 2023 consumer price index (CPI) values
County-level data
We use CoStar’s data: 2015-2021. We omitted years 2022-2024 due to missing data.
Data from…
Variable: Gross asking rent
County-level data
Washington Business Journal
Years 2015-2024
Retrieved from Washington Business Journal’s “website”