Incident level data that records the race of the perpetrator involved in the incident
State prosecutions
Some states provide annual reports detailing sentencing statistics. However, we were not able to find any reports of this nature published by the District, Maryland, or Virginia.
Since not all states provide reports of this type, one would be unable to compile total state prosecution counts on a national level.
Only provides counts for each facility surveyed. Thus, it contains no information regarding individual inmate characteristics, like where they resided prior to their incarceration.
Provides general information about where inmates lived prior to their incarceration. Each row represents an incarcerated individual who was interviewed. There are variables regarding their state of residence at their arrest and the distance from the prison they are held into their place of residence. However, the survey does not report where the interviewed individual is currently being held for privacy reasons. Additionally, this is a survey and not a census.
This survey focuses on obtaining counts from jails, so it does not provide information at the individual level. Therefore, the data does not contain any information indicating the prior residential location of inmates.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics has done a couple of studies to examine recidivism trends across the United States. However, all data from these studies are presented cumulatively, meaning one cannot distinguish recidivism rates in one state from recidivism rates in another. While it is indicated that recidivism data is available for all of the United States, truthfully it is only available for the sample studied in the links above, and any national values would be extrapolated from these findings.
Provides an extensive list of active law enforcement agencies at a county level. However, it does not include some agencies we know exist, such as federal agencies. For example, it does not include The George Washington Police Department or The Department of General Services Protective Services Division, both of which are active police forces in the District.